What is a Recorder of Deeds?
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- What is a Recorder of Deeds?
Primarily, the Recorder of Deeds (ROD) is to record, protect, preserve, and reproduce legal documents that relate to real estate and act as an agent for the Real Estate Transfer Tax.
- The ROD receives and disburses Real Estate Transfer Taxes as per state statute and County Code.
- In Centre County, this accounts for approximately $5.5 million being disbursed in the 37 political subdivisions and six school districts within the county.
Acts as an agent for the State Department of Revenue in the collection of Writ taxes.
- Collects and distributes a fee for the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts.
- Collects fees from documents recorded for the Affordable Housing Fund, County Records Improvement Fund, and Pennsylvania Department of State Notary Public Commissions fees.
- Records Veterans Discharge documents
- This office generates approximately $850,000 in revenue for Centre County each year.